
Created by HappyMeal / @gsj13


Planning and making healthy family dinners is very time-consuming. Making your 8- and 10-year old finish their plate might be an even bigger struggle.

Real-case insights

Kids decide!

Happy Plate is an inscentive creating app helping families to eat more healthy and in a relaxed atmosphere by making kids decide what's for dinner.

This is how the magic happens!

Happy Plate logo

Select who you are

Main menu

Parents main menu

Main menu

Scan the barcode of your receipt...


... and your virtual fridge will fill up with the groceries you bought!


Select who you are

Main menu

Choose the main ingredient

Main ingredient

Choose your favorite side ingredients


This will fill up the entire plate model and lead to a healthy recipe

What would you like for dessert


Send your plate to mum and dad

send menu

A push notification with dish and recipe is sent to the parents


Select who you are

Main menu

Parents main menu

Parents main

Rate the dinner


This is a way for you to validate what ingredients work and what fails

Download your monthly stats


Your families favorite recipes


Customize your shopping list

Shopping list

Customer movie validation

Our next steps

Design - Main Menu

Design main

Main menu design shot

Design - Favorite side ingredient

Main ingredient

Choose your main ingredient

Design - Rate your dinner


Rate your dinner

Business Model

Potential revenue streams

Ica Coop

Thank you!

thank you